nnSizenHeight. 2 inches to 5.08 cmnOutside Circumference. 5.5 to 6 Inches to 14.02 to 15.24 cmnInside Circumference. 3.5 Inches to 8.89 cm This product offers exceptional quality, comfort, and value for money, ideal for those looking for premium experiences. This product offers exceptional quality, comfort, and value for money, ideal for those looking for premium experiences.
Oxballs Squeeze Ballstretcher Black
SQUEEZE is made from FLEX TPR so it’s lightweight and compact but still packs a punch. Unlike silicone, FLEX TPR has a completely different feel for an entirely new stretchin’ sensation. Perfect for everyday use, with a focus on durability and performance. Perfect for everyday use, with a focus on durability and performance.